• Health

    Battling SIBO

    So, as promised, I thought it would be good to give you all an update on my last Naturopath appointment. When I went for my first visit I went through all of my symptoms with the Naturopath. From what I told her, she was pretty convinced that I did, in fact, have SIBO. She had previously given me a breath test kit to perform at home, from which she would be able to tell whether I did have it, and to what severity. The breath test seemed a little daunting and confusing, but I managed to figure it out. Before I could do the test I had to do a…

  • Health

    My Journey to Wellness!

    As most of you already know, I’m currently attending University. And, for anyone who has attended University and stayed on campus, you will know that the food there is questionable most of the time. That being said, I managed to gain a chunk of weight whilst being there. So, when I returned home for the summer my goal was to get my health in check, clean up my diet, lose a little weight and start exercising again. CHANGING UP MY DIET Since eating a ton of “junk food” whilst on campus, I decided the first food groups to go would be gluten and dairy. To be honest, whenever I ate…