
Battling SIBO

So, as promised, I thought it would be good to give you all an update on my last Naturopath appointment.

When I went for my first visit I went through all of my symptoms with the Naturopath. From what I told her, she was pretty convinced that I did, in fact, have SIBO. She had previously given me a breath test kit to perform at home, from which she would be able to tell whether I did have it, and to what severity.

The breath test seemed a little daunting and confusing, but I managed to figure it out. Before I could do the test I had to do a very strict diet. I could only eat eggs, chicken and rice. Good job I liked all of those! And I then had to fast (only water) for 12 hours prior to doing the test.

Once I had completed the breath test, I then had to return everything to the Naturopaths and it would be sent away for analysis. By the time I went for my 2nd appointment the results had returned.

The results came back that I did have SIBO. So much so, that the results were the highest any of the practitioners had seen before! I wasn’t sure whether to be proud or scared!

What is SIBO?

SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. You get SIBO when you have too much bacteria in your small intestine. Everyone has bacteria in their gut, and they play a vital part in digestion. But sometimes things get off balance and problems occur. SIBO can be treated, and sometimes simple lifestyle changes can eradicate it. The easiest way to treat SIBO is with changing what you eat.

SIBO Symptoms

Some of the symptoms caused by SIBO are:

  • Fatigue and feeling tired
  • Bloating
  • Belly pain
  • Weakness
  • Feeling uncomfortable after eating
  • Feeling sick
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation

What next?

So, during the second consultation we discussed how I could move forward now I had been given this diagnosis of SIBO. It was suggested that I continue on the Paleo/Keto diet (cut out as many sugars and carbs as I could) and also continue with the Low FODMAP diet. I had not found this particular combination of diets too bad, as I had already been gluten and dairy free since returning home from university at the end of April. I have found lots of great gluten free breads, bagels and cookies, so I don’t feel too deprived there.

However, I must admit I do struggle with the lack of dairy. I love cheese and love my coffee with creamer, so this has been a massive adjustment. For anyone having to give up cheese I can highly recommend the Violife range of cheeses. It tastes and melts just like regular cheese, so this has been a great find.

My whole family has also embraced this way of eating, so it made it much easier to follow. Here are a few of the Low FODMAP items I have purchased over the last few weeks. I am now on my second jar of salsa as it is that good!

Also, the Fody range of sauces and condiments are great too! I haven’t taken pics of everything I have, just a small selection, but they are great and you don’t feel like you’re missing out at all.

As well as the diet recommendations, I have also been prescribed the following medication. Most of these are supplements, and I need to continue taking them until I next see my Naturopath in 4 weeks.

What I eat in a day on SIBO?

For those wondering what you can and can’t eat, here is a sample of what I have eaten in a day over the last week. Obviously this changes daily, but it will give you a good idea!

  • Breakfast – Gluten free oatmeal with almond milk, rice cakes with nut butter and chopped banana
  • Lunch – Chips and Salsa or keto waffles with maple syrup and fruit
  • Dinner – Meat with rice or potatoes and salad

And a drink I can highly recommend from Starbucks is the Pink Drink. It is dairy free and tastes amazing. You can also have the Dragon Drink with Coconut Milk too, which is just as good!